Terms of Service

Our website, SecureTempleTech.com (STTwebsite), is used to provide information and communications about our services to the general public.  Any person(s) or system(s) accessing the STTwebsite agrees to comply with and accepts all the terms and conditions thereof and within.

External Links to Websites or Services

The STTwebsite contains links to external websites and services.  By clicking on such links you agree to and acknowledge that Secure Temple Technologies has no governance over the content, views, expressions and communications of such sites or services.

Lawful Access Only

All access to the STTwebsite is granted automatically by acceptance of the Terms of Service.  Any attempt to disrupt, alter or corrupt the STTwebsite or the communications and services provided by Secure Temple Technologies, will be deemed malicious and would violate the Terms of Service.  Violation(s) of the Terms of Service by any person(s) or system(s) would result in the revocation of access to the STTwebsite or any communications or services offered by Secure Temple Technologies.



By using the STTwebsite or any of the communications or services from Secure Temple Technologies, you waive the right to hold the company, Secure Temple Technologies and those individuals comprised therein, liable and or responsible for any damages resulting from accessing or lack of access to the STTwebsite, communications and services. Any legal contest of this Waiver or the Terms of Service, may only be settled by arbitration. Any controversy, contest or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms of Service, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial [or other applicable] Arbitration Rules and conducted by a single arbitrator.


Except where indicted specifically, any and all content on or from the STTwebsite is the copyright and property of Secure Temple Technologies.  Any and all use of the content on or from the STTwebsite or Secure Temple Technologies, is strictly prohibited.


There are no refunds. 

Refunds are at the sole discretion of Secure Temple Technologies.

Refunds will be granted under the unforeseeable circumstances where Secure Temple Technologies cancels a consultation to which payment was rendered for by a client.

Policy Change

Secure Temple Technologies reserves the right to change this policy without prior notification.  All existing and active clients will be notified of such changes.